Yesterday I volunteered at Veggielution- a great little urban farm in the middle of a rough section of San Jose. There is something so amazing and beautiful about this place. Though it would seem like an unlikely spot for a farm due to the maze of freeway off ramps in the background, Veggilution seems to work in perfect harmony with its urban surroundings.
Running amongst the rows of lettuce, onions, and garlic are clucking chickens, peacocks, and screaming children. There are people weeding, watering, and composting- all working as one as if they had been working together for years. You hear laughter and storytelling- explanations of how each person found the farm and the different reasons why they love it. The very essence of community. The smell of our delicious lunch being cooked on an outdoor picnic table wafts by. After the work is finished we sit down to enjoy a yummy pot luck of veggie soup, homeade bread, a beautiful salad, and drumsticks, continuing stories and picking out seeds for the next season. Afterwards. each of us take home some of the newly harvested veggies. The rest goes to the local soup kitchen. How the world is supposed to work.
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