If you learn and practice no other asanas (poses) in yoga...which i don't recommend because they are all amazing!...I urge you to at very least learn Surya Namascar A, also known as Sun Salutation A. This is a series of postures that bring heat to the body and awakens the mind. It also pays homage to the beautiful sun that brings life and warmth to our lives and to the world around us.
So how does one do a Surya Namaskar A series? Easy...
Wake up slightly before the sun is rising in the morning. It is also really nice to do this at sunset. Set your mat facing the sun in a nice quiet room with plenty of natural light. I like to turn on some nice, relaxing music. My favorite is so cliche...Norah Jones "Sunrise"! But its really sets the mood :) Try it without music too...its a nice time to be alone with your thoughts and to realign yourself for the day ahead. Also, once you get the swing of it this feels so nice with your eyes closed.
1) Start with your hands at hearts center in Tadasana or Mountain Pose. The four corners of your feet balanced evenly on your mat.
2) With an INHALE lift you arms to the sky to Urvha Hastasana, lifting your heart and bending back slightly.
3) Leading with an EXHALE, with a flat back fold forward from your hips into Uttanasana or Forward Fold.
4) INHALE your hands to your shins or fingertips to the floor and lift up with a flat back to Ardha Uttanasana or Halfway Lift.
5) EXHALE back down to Uttanasana.
6) INHALE your feet back to High Plank or Adho Mukha Dandasana.
7) Exhale down to Knees, Chest, Chin. This is where you drop your knees to your mat, keeping your butt in the air, then lower your chest, then chin to the mat.
8) INHALE pushing your body through to Cobra pose or Bhujangasana.
9) EXHALE back into Child's Pose of Balasana and then push up to Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana.
10) Take several deep ujayii breaths and on an EXHALE look between your hands and step or jump your feet between your hands.
11) INHALE to Ardha Uttanasana again.
12) EXHALE to Uttanasana.
13) INHALE your arms all the way to the sky back to Urdvha Hastasana.
14) Finally EXHALE your hands back to hearts center at Anjali Mudra.
There you go...you just did one Sun Salutation! Well mentally at least, which totally counts. Repeat this as many times as you would like. Be mindful and graceful with your movements. Its not a race but instead an elegant dance with your body. You will notice that when you do multiple Sun Salutations your mind and body will move into an effortless meditiation that is amazingly nourishing.
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