Tuesday, April 13, 2010

You owe it to yourself to read this book! The China Study by T. Colin Campbell

After hearing about this book from a few sources a friend graciously lent it to me claiming that it was truly a life altering read.  I just got this book yesterday and CAN NOT put it down!  If there is only one book you pick up this year this must be it.  Everyone owes it to themselves (and to their health) to read this book.

The China Study discusses the vital relationship between nutrition and disease prevention.  I am already one who wholeheartedly believes that diet is the main cause of the horrible state of American health and Dr. T. Colin Campbell supports that notion with his many respected years of research in the science industry.

Basically, Americans put bandaids (ie. prescription drugs, surgery, etc.) on their health problems costing the US and themselves incredible amounts of money.  Dr. Campbell suggests fixing the root of the problem, poor diet, with a plant-based diet.  By changing our diet these debilitating American ailments running rampant in our society such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer can be prevented and, in many cases, reversed.

People are meant to eat simple food, grown from the earth.  It is really not a complicated process.  Fad diets, protein supplements, vitamin supplements are all useless and unnecessary when we are eating the way that we are intended to eat.  This does not seem like rocket-science, but the current American diet is shockingly off base.  Dr. Campbell backs up his findings with logical and startling research.  This book is written in a way that speaks to the reader as an intelligent individual who deserves to know the truth about leading as healthy of a life as possible.

When it comes to your health there is nothing more important.  Give yourself the power of this book.

1 comment:

  1. I read this book and LOVED it! Definitely put me over the hump in terms of becoming vegan full-time. I really appreciated the fact that he doesn't obscure or dumb-down the science behind his conclusions. He also doesn't sensationalize it like so many food authors. Excellent read, indeed.

    - Matt "I wanna eat your sandwich!" E.
